It’s Teacher Appreciation Week! It comes at the perfect time for teachers – when cabin fever has set in for the students, when you’re short on sleep and long on things to grade, when trying to wrangle one more kid or, in this year, trying to get one more piece of tech to work properly that you feel ready to lose some hair. Those little reminders that the work that we do really matters and makes a difference, no matter how small those reminders might be, always change my attitude when I get impatient and help me to push through to the end of the year.

That’s why TpT is running a special sale on May 5 – 6. Many teachers need some encouragement right now, and TpT is saying thank you in a tangible way. Many resources will be discounted up to 25% with the code THANKYOU20. I love shopping TpT’s sales because I can get the resources I need to save loads of time while saving lots of money, too.
You can save even MORE money if you win this gift card! Enter using the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win.
a Rafflecopter giveawayGood luck!