My kids love science, but they love to read, too. They get especially excited when those two subjects collide. These are some of our very favorite science-based adventure books.
Currently, there are only a few books/series on this list – because I have very high standards. While science can be pulled into many, many books, the ones on this list are focused on hard science. They’re the best that I’ve found so far.
Edison’s Gold is a fantastic book about the fictional great-great-grandson of Thomas Edison and his efforts to uncover secrets buried by his ancestor and a secret society. Tom uses his scientific knowledge to unravel secret codes and dig his way out of trouble spots, much like McGuyver on the old TV show.
Nick and Tesla’s High-Voltage Danger Lab: A Mystery with Electromagnets, Burglar Alarms, and Other Gadgets You Can Build Yourself is a part of the Nick and Tesla series. Written by a pair of scientists, each book in the series contains several sets of experiment plans. They’re written simply but are very engaging to kids. The books themselves are exciting but written simply; however, they’re easy to read and convey fun scientific information – definitely worth a read. New books continue to be written in the series:
Nick and Tesla’s Secret Agent Gadget Battle
Copernicus Legacy (3 Book Series) is an exciting, Indiana-Jones style set of books. The Kaplan family stumbles upon a centuries-old mystery involving a machine built by Copernicus and hidden by other scientists of the era. There are great pieces of historical and scientific information between each action-packed scene.
The Copernicus Archives #1: Wade and the Scorpion’s Claw is a novella connected with the Copernicus Legacy. There is a Copernicus Archive book, which is much shorter in length than the Legacy books, that was written between each Legacy one. These are just as good as the longer books and also feature historical scientists.
What would you add to this list?