Juliet Cole’s life has been dismantled by the murder of her husband. She doesn’t know who—or what—to trust when everything she has believed to be true about her marriage has been a lie.
A husband’s lies can have deadly consequences.
When Juliet Cole’s husband of fifteen years is murdered before her eyes, she thinks it was a random shooting. Devastated and traumatized, she answers hours of questioning, then returns home to break the tragic news to her boys. But a threatening voicemail takes this from a random shooting to a planned, deliberate attack.
Juliet realizes that she and her children are in danger too, unless she meets the killers’ demands. But as she and her sisters untangle the clues, her husband’s dark secrets come to light. The more she learns, the more of her life is dismantled. Was her husband an innocent victim or a hardened criminal?
Location may make a real estate deal, but the details make or break a book – and they totally make Distortion. As I read this book, I could see Juliet Cole. I could see her wrinkles and determination and mom shoes. I could see just how devastated was and then how determined she became.I could see the difference in appearance and attitudes between Juliet and another woman character, and those differences in the physical put the emotional differences in the spotlight.
The basic premise has been done before, I must admit: husband dies, woman finds out secret life and must determine how to handle it. It’s not that new. The twist is that not only is there a secret life, but that the killers played a big part in that secret life and they’re now after the wife and kids. That twist adds a huge amount of suspense to the story and likeability to Juliet. She’s not just a victimized, naive wife – she’s a mama bear protecting her family at any cost, and it’s that angle that Blackstock wrote so well.
Juliet’s family had tragic stories, as well, which appear to have been told in other books. Blackstock filled in the basics, but I would’ve loved a bit more information about them – not so much because I couldn’t figure out what was going on, but just because it was interesting.
I haven’t met a Blackstock book yet that I haven’t liked, and Distortion is no exception. It’s fast-paced, suspenseful, and full of mysterious drama. This was definitely my kind of mystery.
Pre-order a copy for just $4.99 on Kindle, Nook, iTunes, or the eBook version on CBD until March 10th.
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Terri Blackstock has sold over six million books worldwide and is a New York Times bestselling author. She is the award-winning author of Intervention, Vicious Cycle, and Downfall, as well as such series as Cape Refuge, Newpointe 911, the SunCoast Chronicles, Restoration, and Moonlighters.
Learn more about Terri at: http://terriblackstockbooks.com
I received a free copy of Distortion from LitFuse Publicity in exchange for an honest review.