
When traveling to Pennsylvania to help her grandmother renovate her childhood home, Kate Donovan was excited for the break. With her career as a social worker feeling lackluster following a tragedy and no Prince Charming in sight, Kate began to question God’s plan – and then she met Matt Jarreau, the man hired to complete the renovation. Suddenly Kate begins to see purpose in the journey as the two begin to grow close, despite the tragedy in Matt’s past. Can each be obedient to God’s instruction, however, even if it means giving up what they want most?
As a reader, you have to cheer Kate on. She’s persistent, kind, and yet real in her desire for a husband. She takes a stand for the underdog, the hurting, and yet bleeds while she does it. She isn’t perfect and has her own doubts and sometimes gives in to them. Wade writes amazing, funny, touchable characters that you want to befriend and invite over for dinner.
Wade’s writing is smooth with fantastic word choices and character quirks. She’s written the best kind of romance – one that makes you fall in love with the characters while simultaneously crying for their problems. This isn’t a piece of beach fluff, for they’ve endured real pain and real tragedy. Their faith and their doubts and their questions can’t be brushed aside, but instead she digs in deep and helps them find the answers for which they search. Forgiveness, true love, faith – this book is about so much more than romance.
I can’t wait to see what Wade writes next.
I received a free copy of My Stubborn Heart from LitFuse Publicity in exchange for an honest review.