The Firing Squad is a new movie based on the true story of Christians executed by firing squad in 2015, and it packs a powerful punch! This movie is dynamic and emotional right to the very end.
The Firing Squad brings heavy hitters to the screen, including Kevin Sorbo, Cuba Gooding Jr., James Barrington, and Eric Roberts. They run the gamut of emotions – and Gooding even sings! – showcasing a highly talented cast.
Based on a true story, it shows the transformation of drug runners within an Indonesian prison. As a Christian movie, it highlights the story of salvation and everyone’s need for Jesus, making the case in logical, emotional, visual, and scriptural ways. The producers clearly want to highlight this message and make it available to everyone, and there are a few minutes (especially in the middle) that are a bit preachy. The high emotion and impact at the end more than make up for that, however.
It’s also important to know that this movie, while it doesn’t hide from the violence and criminal past that sparked these events, neither does it glorify them – or even really show it. Briefcases of money and indications of a flashy, expensive lifestyle symbolize the criminal activities that cause the main character to be jailed, but neither drugs nor drug activities are shown. In terms of violence, some objects are thrown, some slaps are given, and guns are carried, but most of the violence indicated occurs off screen and is implied. Of course, when the deaths by firing squad occur, the shots are shown, but they are not shown hitting the men – and when the dead men are shown, only trickles of blood exist to indicate violence; there are no bullet holes seen. While you should use your own judgement as to whom this is suitable for, then, I think that most teenagers and older would be ready to view this movie – even that it is important for them to do so. Much of our culture depicts more visual violence than does this movie, and the eternal message is one that teenagers must hear – as well as the other related messages about drugs, relationships, and more.
Some cities are hosting free screenings. Visit this link for more information about the movie and to find out if there’s a screening near you.
The Firing Squad is a strong movie that tugs at your heartstrings and prompts discussion. It’s the perfect movie for youth groups, Sunday school classes, and more to go see – especially if you meet up afterwards to talk it over. Don’t miss this opportunity to talk about why today – and all of eternity – really matter.
I received a complimentary viewing of this movie. All opinions are my own.
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