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Wow! Trapped in Yosemite gutted me in the best kind of way. It’s been a long time since I really cried while reading a book, but this one did me in – and it’s a suspense story!

Mentink keeps the tension high throughout the whole book – not just the suspense, either, but romantic tension and worries about main character Stella and her daughter’s well-being. There’s a lot happening in these pages, and Mentink handles it all with ease. The natural disasters keep the danger levels high even without the killer, who keeps turning up like a bad penny. When you factor in the trauma that Stella and Von are still dealing with, you’ll be crying, too.

Part of the reason that Trapped in Yosemite got to me so much is because that trauma includes lost babies. That’s hard, and it isn’t something you just bounce back from. Mentink handled it all really well, but if that’s something that’s too much for you, this might be a book to shelve for now.
Otherwise, get your copy of Trapped in Yosemite and stock up on tissues and chocolate. You won’t be putting this one down – though you might need a hug by the end.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. All opinions are my own.
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