She came to America searching for her brother. Instead all she’s found is a web of danger.
No Safe Harbor is full of twists and turns! Cara’s journey is a difficult one as she tries to find her brother without knowing whom she can trust, and that makes the entire book suspenseful. It seemed as if every other person she met had some kind of possible connection to her brother, and not knowing whether she’s safe keeps the reader on her toes.
My absolute favorite aspect of the book, though, was that of Cara’s Irish heritage. I loved hearing the references to her homeland, to searches through Ellis Island to trace immigrants, and the brogue fairly jumped off the page and into my ears. My great-grandmother once traced my ancestors back to Ireland in 1632, and I’ve always wondered what their journey – earlier though it was – must have been like. While I’ve never heard of my ancestors having these types of strong family “connections,” this makes for a fascinating story!
I can’t wait to read the next installment to the Edge of Freedom series.
You can check out other reviews on the blog tour here, or, you can buy your own copy of No Safe Harbor here.

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