If you ask me, Back-to-School came way too soon. Yet here it is: it’s arrived fast and furious, and whether you’re in the thick of it or just getting started–teachers everywhere are feeling some type of way. You’re here for the kids – teaching is a #LaborOfLove, right? – but there’s a lot on your mind.
Whether you are excited, exhausted, worried, or a combination of it all, I’m here to give you good news. Good news in the form of one dollar deals to complete your back-to-school toolbox.
On Sunday September 5th and Monday September 6th, we’d love to offer you a 2-day sale of $1 products on TpT.

Simply enter #laboroflove on TpT on September 5th + September 6th (that’s Sunday + Monday), and find hundreds of products marked down to only one dollar.
Our hope is that you can load up on everything you need to start your year off right and set yourself up for success no matter what the school year brings.
You can also access the deals directly using this link: bit.ly/3D0u8Ty.
I’m putting two resources in the sale:

These chapter-by-chapter discussion and comprehension questions with creative writing prompts are perfect for cooperative learning, group or class discussions, and assessment!

Hexagonal thinking activities are the perfect way to strengthen your students’ literary analysis and critical thinking skills – and they work for a wide variety of ages! Use this resource with any novel. While the activity sheets are permanent, you can edit the hexagons – and use all the parts in any combination, making this super flexible.
Happy shopping!
What are your thoughts?