Local land agent Aaron Masterson is fascinated with Kylie from the moment her long hair falls from her cap. But now that he knows her secret, can he in good conscience defraud the U.S. government? And when someone tries to force Kylie off her land, does he have any hope of convincing her that marrying him and settling on the frontier is the better option for her future?
Kylie Wilde is a winning character with a hidden past – and you’ll want to read all about it. Being forced by her father to masquerade as a man, Kylie wants nothing more than to be a proper lady, and I loved the dichotomy between the two, especially in the Wild West. You would almost think that Kylie is a damsel in distress, but just when her boots are quaking, her spine stiffens and her manner changes.
Those changes make for an exciting story, because Kylie lives a dangerous and action-packed life. She has a lot to be afraid of. I’ve always wanted to live on the prairie, but I’m not sure that I’d feel any differently than Kylie if I had to live in these conditions. The suspense and the danger is high, and I couldn’t put the book down.
I’ve enjoyed every Mary Connealy story I’ve read, and this one is no exception. It was a great read, and Tried and True is a great beginning to this new series. I’m sure that the other Wilde sisters will make great leading ladies, and I can’t wait to read the next books in this series.
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I received a free copy of Tried and True from LitFuse Publicity in exchange for an honest review.
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