“She Reads Truth” Bible Review & Giveaway


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The She Reads Truth Bible aims to live at the intersection of beauty, goodness, and Truth. Featuring devotionals by the She Reads Truth team, and Scripture reading plans that include supplemental passages for deeper understanding, this Bible invites every woman to count themselves among the She Reads Truth community of “Women in the Word of God every day.” The She Reads Truth Bible also features 66 key verses, artfully lettered to aid in Scripture memorization. 

Features include: almost 200 devotionals, artist-designed key verses, 35 full-color timelines, 20 full-color maps, 11 full-color charts, reading plans for every book of the Bible, one-year Bible reading plan, detailed book introductions, key verse list, carefully curated topical index, smyth-sewn binding, two colored ribbon markers, and wide margins for journaling and note-taking.The  She Reads Truth Bible features the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) text. Translated by more than 100 scholars from 17 denominations, the Christian Standard Bible features an optimal blend of accuracy and readability that’s faithful for serious study, and written with heart-stirring clarity that inspires readers to live and share it.


The She Reads Truth Bible is BEAUTIFUL!  I love the bright colors and pretty fonts throughout the Bible … because really, while I would read my Bible whether it’s pretty or not, isn’t having a pretty thing that’s been uniquely designed for you just extra special?
There are lots of things to love about this Bible, though.  One of them is the cover itself.  It’s a hardback book, but it’s linen-covered with gold lettering and a rather solid cover.  That thick, heavy cover makes the Bible feel sturdy, and it even comes in a case that would further protect it.  I’ve had several Bibles wear out completely, but this one feels as if it would last for a long time.  It would be a great choice for a Bible that travels with you, perhaps, like the one you tuck in a bag to take to Bible study or church.  While that salmon-y orange-y color is not exactly my favorite (which I realize is very picky of me – to worry about the color of the cover!) it is bright and cheerful, and I appreciate that.
Now, some of the points I want to make may seem a little unusual for reasons why you should consider using this Bible – like the color of the cover above.  In the United States, we are not limited to access to Bibles like so many other people are around the world.  That’s a huge blessing!  It also means that I have a collection of them going, and the kids and I use all of them.  We appreciate all sorts of things about different ones.  We might pull a Bible off the shelf because of the great maps that it has, or to compare two translations, or because it’s size is handy for where we’re going.  So if this list of pros seems unusual, that’s why – and I am very thankful for being able to compare and own multiple Bibles.


I LOVE the ‘artistic’ touches spread throughout this Bible.  There are 66 scripture verses that are set apart from the others and are made special through font, color, and artistic garnish.  These catch my attention and make them stand out.  I enjoy looking at them, and the creative writing helps me to remember the wording – because memorization is a very hard thing for me.


See?  Isn’t it pretty?


My Big Helper and I attend Bible journaling classes at our church.  We love pulling out favorite or meaningful scriptures and trying to make them stand out like this, but I struggle with lettering.  I love having these examples right in front of me, there in the Bible!

Another great feature of this Bible is the extra wide margins.  I’ve only ever seen big margins like these in journaling Bibles, which this isn’t – but you could definitely use it as such.  I’m not a big fan of covering up the words, but here there’s lots of room for your art or notes to go to the side of the scripture, and the creamy page color is a great backdrop for whatever you put on your page.

Each book of the Bible has information preceeding it.  There’s not quite as much information as in my study Bibles, but there’s more than enough to provide food for thought.  It provides a good summary, key scriptures, and some background information – just what I need to dig in.

I love the humbleness and down-to-earth quality of the devotions scattered throughout the Bible – in fact, even my Big Helper commented on that when she used it.  They’re written seemingly by the woman down the street – somebody I might take a walk with after lunch or hang out with at the playground while the kids play.  They make good points, but they feel very relevant to me specifically, and in the crazy busy season of life we’re in, I really appreciate that.

Lastly, this She Reads Truth Bible is in the CSB translation.  This was the first Bible I’ve seen in this translation, and I appreciate the fresh look at scripture.  

Basically, the She Reads Truth Bible feels like it was created just for me – for a busy mom-woman who needs a little pretty and a lot of truth in her life.  I love it!

If you’d like to purchase your own copy, you can go here – or go here to enter a giveaway for one of seven She Reads Truth Bibles.

I received a free copy of this book from Frontgate Media.  All opinions are my own.

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