Do you use something during the weeks leading up to Christmas to help focus your attention on Jesus?
Candace Crabtree has written a fabulous book to help you examine the role of Jesus as the light of the world. The book takes an unusual form – that of devotion merged with prayer journal – which leaves your use of it wide open.
Each day’s reading has three sections: scripture, devotion, and a place to journal your prayers. The scripture is straight from the Bible and each reading is about light. The devotional section is full of questions to ponder and information to digest. The journaling section is just that – a lined, blank page for you to write out your thoughts and prayers.
What makes this so special? Several things.
We decorate with lights and celebrate Jesus as the ‘Reason for the Season,’ calling Him the ‘Light of the World,’ but nowhere else have I seen anything that focuses so completely and Biblically on what that really means. I love this perspective on a character and role of Jesus, and its uniqueness should definitely garner attention.
The format of this journal makes it extremely flexible. It’s deep enough to use as an adult study and make the scriptures the focus of your personal quiet time, but there are also enough questions to make it a great prompt for discussion. You could easily read the scripture around the breakfast or dinner table and talk about its meaning throughout the meal as a family.
But that’s not all. Don’t I sound like an infomercial now? But really, this is one of the best aspects of this ebook. In addition to the basic script of the story, which I really liked, there are lots of bonus features. Songs you can listen to and Pinterest boards to follow. The Pinterest boards share information about arts, crafts, decorating, and additional educational resources. How great is it that one resource can provide so much other information?
I love Jesus: Light of the World, Praying the Scriptures through Advent. I can’t wait to dig deep into it even further in the coming weeks.
If you’d like to grab your own copy of Jesus: Light of the World, click here.
Do you celebrate Advent?
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Amy, I love this post!! Thank you so much! You shared several unique things that I think capture the heart of this resource. Thank you for this thoughtful post. 🙂