I continue to be amazed at my kids’ enthusiasm for Spanish after only a few months of using Foreign Languages for Kids.
We took a break from our traditional schoolwork throughout most of December, but that didn’t stop My Little Man from using his new Spanish vocabulary all month long. We often heard him shouting, “Feliz Navidad!” or “Cucina rojo!” from the backseat of the car or in the shower (I have no idea why he shouts random things from there, but he always has). His enthusiasm level for this new-to-him subject and the videos we’re using has remained at a constant high throughout the past few months.
Personally, I love that. He’s learning, he’s using his new information, and he’s excited about it all. What more can you ask for from an online curriculum?
Although we intended to resume school this week, we did so slowly due to a lingering cold that’s infected part of our family. We’ve taken it easy and concentrated on keeping everyone warm and hydrated. I’m excited to pick back up where we left off with our Spanish videos on Tuesday, however, and I can’t wait to see what we’ll learn about next.
Thank you, Foreign Languages for Kids, for making our Spanish adventure so exciting!
Want to give Foreign Languages for Kids a try? Click on the banner below to find out how!
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