In the United States, Christmas has become a really big deal. With sparkly trees, glistening lights, and costumed characters on every corner, signs of the seasons are everywhere – but are they, really?
There’s nothing wrong with celebrating the birth of Jesus in big ways, but that very first Christmas was very simple – and I think that’s okay, too. In fact, the Christmas Artza box provides the perfect opportunities to step away from the hustle and bustle and settle in to the peace of the season.
I love the lights and the decorations, but my favorite part of Christmas is just spending time with the people I love. Taking opportunities to slow down, catch up, and simply visit is important, and I don’t do that enough. The Israeli Winter Nights Herbal Tea Blend provides the perfect means to sit, sip, and and be social. Inviting a friend or relative over for tea is low-key enough that you can share this treat while you visit without the need for extensive prep.
Or maybe you’re the type who wants to make memories. Maybe you like to ‘do projects’ with your kids, your grandchildren, or with your besties. If that’s the case, then the Conscious Carob Syrup is perfect for you! Gather your group, roll up your sleeves, and make a batch – or two or three – of the Crinkle Carob Cookies. Baking is fun to do with a small group, and you’re guaranteed to remember your cookie experience. You can even extend it by sharing your finished cookies with more friends, neighbors, or someone who needs some encouragement. Having fun and being able to bless others at the same time? That’s a total win in my book.
Of course, you’re blessing others simply by purchasing an Artza box. The order for this season’s box kept one Israeli’s shop open when he was nearly forced to close. Can you imagine? Even with the current inflation, most of us have much more than we need – and by sharing our plenty, we can help others keep their businesses, and by extension, so much else. I love that Artza provides information about the artisans who have created the items in each box. This is a perfect opportunity to talk with your children or students about what it means to shop from individual-owned businesses as opposed to big corporations. Consider the power that your dollars have. Put names to the faces of the people whose businesses you have supported with this Christmas box. Pray for them, even! As you move through this holiday season, continue this conversation. How and where will you put your purchasing power to work?
Much of our shopping at this time of year goes towards the gifts that we give, and this box provides items that would be wonderful to receive, so why not give some of them as gifts? I love the items in this box and had to talk myself into this one, but I thought immediately of someone in particular as I unwrapped the table runner, and I knew I had to share it. The items in this box would make great gifts for others – or you could even gift an entire box!
So there you have it: the purchase of even one Artza box gives you the opportunity to slow down with your loved ones, make memories and bless others, have important conversations about the power of choosing where to spend our money, and comes with beautiful, giftable items. Making this one purchase will not only simplify your to-do list, but it will make carrying out each item more meaningful.
My family is really enjoying our Artza box this season. Grab yours before they’re gone! Save 25% off your purchase with this link. Bringing the scents and flavors of Israel into your home makes that long-ago birth seem even more real. I hope it’s as meaningful to your family as it is to ours.
How are you keeping the true meaning of Christmas alive this year? Share your thoughts in the comments!
What are your thoughts?